The Music that flow in my heart~ ♥ ♥ ♥

Welcome to my Blog.,
Just enjoy and never feel stress about anything that i've posted..

Thank you..!!!!

::Today's Motto::

"So what was it, I lose if I get mad when you try to make me mad or something? Ahhh. I lose then. I don't care. What harm would it do me if I lose? Plus now I'm going to kill you who have just won..."


-平和島 静雄-

-雲雀 恭弥-


What 3 things do you think will become obsolete in the next ten years?

1. I will be a good vocalist.
2. I will not give up my dreams.
3. I will be a good strong heart girl.
*the last one just a bit weird*

Ask me anything

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